西门子 代理商 变频器 G120C 进线电抗器 G120C 功率选件
Line reactors 跳转到概述 集成 技术规范 概述Line reactor for PM240-2 Power Modules, frame size FSA Line reactors smooth the current drawn by the converter and thus reduce harmonic components in the line current. Through the reduction of the current harmonics, the thermal load on the power components in the rectifier and in the DC link capacitors is reduced as well as the harmonic effects on the supply. The use of a line reactor increases the service life of the converter. A line reactor is not required and must not be used in conjunction with a PM250 Power Module. 集成A DC link reactor is integrated in the PM240‑2 Power Modules, frame sizes FSD to FSG, and therefore no line reactor is required. Line reactors that are optionally available depending on the Power Module used
S = Lateral mounting I = Integrated – = Not possible 1) With the appropriate wiring, the line reactors for 200 V 3 AC can be used for the 200 V versions for 200 V 1 AC 2) For frame sizes FSA to FSC, for lines with uk < 1 %, it is recommended that you use a line reactor or the next more powerful Power Module. More information can be found on the internet at: |
西门子 代理商 变频器 G120C 进线电抗器 G120C 功率选件
西门子 代理商 变频器 G120C 进线电抗器 G120C 功率选件